OAC Educació

We have a new project of an office for Citizen Attention, this time in Barcelona.
Here are some images of the model and some interior renderings.

In this case the space had several uses and had to be subdivided without breakint too much the space.
For that, the closets we had used in Girona became specailly useful.
The project consists in 4 closets subdividing the space and creating a space for each of the functions.

In this space we put some furniture as we did in Girona and Ave maria to create the public space and standard tables for the working spaces.

Here you can see the space for telefonic attention between the facade and the first closet, the working space between the first and the second closet and the public part between the third and the entrance. A bigger closet separates the circulation spaces from the office and the workers from the bosses, as they asked us.

And this configurates the space.

The project as you can see it here will be shown to the client soon to see if they accept it or not...

View showing the working area, with the corridor at the left. This helps to divide the use of an existing conference hall from the OAC

View of the main public area, showing the permeable closets and the special furniture.

As a proposal, the public area extends into the hall of the building

More information about the girona OAC

More information about the Ave Maria hall

More information about us at

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