Dinopolis - Teruel

Dinopolis atraction (Terra Colossus) opened Thursday for the authorities (photo) and Saturday for general public!

More information about this project and previous versions under the dinopolis tag
More information about us at

We did everything in a record time of 3 months from comision till opening and 2 months of construction (photo of starting construction).

Aprox. the same photo 2 months later.

Queue space finally took the stars ceiling: a black space as decompresion chamber to enter a new experience.

Pre-show space is a mineral space (allready in comision). Finally the construction stress didn'l allow for our desired image (maybe next time!).

In the show the plants where replaced by a camouflage fabric, making it more abstract but keeping the values.

Grop (constructin company) added much more light than expected and we have to say it was a big improvement.
An example of the shadows created here:


At the beggining of the show the color lights are of and a white light through the fabric makes a helicopter effect.
You can see it here:

This is more or less the space as nobody precieves it (with the light on)

Another image to help understanding the "tent" that converts the space from an industrial shed to a projection room.

This is the outside of the attraction. You can see it's basically an industrial shed.

The sourroundings allready call for the attraction.

We don't have a clue who did designed the logo.

The team after the effort: Santiado de León (RdL http://www.rdlarquitectos.com/), Miquel del Río (RaichdelRio, estudi d'arquitectura), Enric Iturbe (JTA), Lluís Raich (RaichdelRio, estudi d'arquitectura).

The team in the first shooting with people. If we had known maybe would'nt had step in! Miquel del Río, Santiago de León, Enric Iturbe and Lluís Raich.

More information about this project and previous versions under the dinopolis tag

More information about us at

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